We can see for ourselves that we are getting bigger in the waistline and the rise of diseases is also getting bigger. Why is this? Well, since this is about sugar, it must be sugar!
I have said it numerous times, we are consuming a staggering amount of sugar daily, weekly, yearly that is over exceeding hundreds of pounds. Diabetes, Non-alcoholic fatty liver, hypertension, cancer, metabolic syndrome, and even alzheimer's have been linked to sugar consumption.
HFructoseCS is digested by the liver. The liver can digest up to 25 grams of fructose in one sitting but anything more will result in being turned into fat. Fructose doesn't stimulate insulin or leptin. Basically insulin suppresses ghrelin (appetite hormone) and leptin made by your fat cells to tell your brain you had enough. Fructose blocks these receptors, making your body think it's starving and in turn increases your appetite, thus you eat more.
Obesity rates have sky-rocketed in the last few decades and it's steadily climbing to an epidemic scale. So we know fructose messes about with our brain, making us think we are starving when we aren't and so we eat more but never feel really satisfied. "Ever let a kid loose on a buffet after downing a sugary drink? Do they eat less or more? They eat more."
There is a scary rise in childhood obesity and even in babies who are just born are getting a little more chubbier. Ever heard the the obese 6 month old baby? It's happening and it's not stopping.
Obese people aren't the only people who are becoming sick. Everyone is at risk, skinny, short, young, old. If you consume fructose on a daily basis, you are at risk of becoming sick. Even if you aren't obese on the outside, you could be fat on the inside. They even have a word for it called TOFI (thin outside,fat inside).
Hopefully we can stop this before permanent damage is done and this becomes normal.
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